
Wow, this weekend was busy! On Friday, I took off work to go get my marriage license with my fiancée. Now we can officially get married :). Then, on Saturday, we came back to Cedar Rapids from Omaha to pick up the keys to OUR apartment. Yesterday was spent going to the groundbreaking service for our church and moving things into the new apartment. It’s really funny how much stuff we really don’t have. This left me little time for code.


The little time I had was spent working on threading in Coaster. This is my first endeavor into threading, so I have no clue what I’m doing. This would be much much easier if Daniel Elstner was around in #c++, but he seems to be AWOL right now. I hope I’ll figure this out before the release at the end of the week.


If you didn’t know, I’m getting married, which means one of the end results is presents. If you would like to contribute to the “Bryan and September have nothing and need stuff” fund, please visit the next few links.

Target Gift Registry

Younkers Gift Registry

JC Pennys Gift Registry

end shameless plug


Thanks for all the help finding music for my wedding! I have all the tracks I need thanks to all the helpful people in the GNOME community.